99% of the Failures come from People who have the Habit of making Excuses....~ George Washington Carver.
By Dana R. Arevalo
I am never lacking motivation, however, I am good at making excuses and procrastination when it comes to exercise. The top excuse on my personal list is TIME. I have come to the realization that my excuse is getting old. With that said...what are you waiting for? I'm done waiting. For the next 69 days I am going to motivate the HELL out of anyone who decides to visit me. Let's stick together and achieve the body and health that we deserve. Remember we are in control.
First rid your mind of negativity. We cannot thrive in a negative environment. My first assignment to you is to please figure out what completely psychs you out. Music and influential people do it for me.
Let's recap quickly. 1) Rid negativity 2) Psych yourself. Quickly make a playlist of music that you can blast while working out.
Next, be accountable. I am including my sister with me for the next 69 days. I plan to push and motivate her and vice versa. It is very important to continue no matter what happens to the other individual. Hopefully, you can stick together. If for some reason they stop DON'T stop.
Have a goal. Our goal is a better body by summer and we have nothing stopping us for the next 69 days. Let's do it!
As a short goal, today I started by doing squats. I want to be able to complete 100 plus squats on a daily basis (with proper form). I already completed my workout earlier this morning and am ready to make some suggestions.
Set a timer for 5 minutes and start squating. Many people try to cheat and do not perform full fledged squats. I happen to love squats so I am not a cheater. The best way to practice is to pretend you are about to sit on a chair when going down into the squat and hold this position for 3 to 5 seconds and then release and go back into a standing position. As we become more familiar with the exercise I will post a video. I was able to do 75 squats within the five minute time period. I then continued and did 4 more sets according to an application I found. I am definitely feeling it. But its a step in the right direction. The app is called "Squats" Rittr Labs. So far, after completing some brief research on exercise applications I found that particular application most helpful for squats. But if you find another one let us know.
1) Rid Negativity. Whether it be a person or a habit, drop it/ them. No one wants to hear a complainer every day.
2) Psych yourself. Music. Motivational quotes and inspirational people. Attract positivity.
3) Accountability. Work out with someone. Be responsible for motivating them and them you. Hold yourself accountable towards your goals.
4) Goals. Have an end result and continually focus on it. 69 Days to a healthier body and mind.
5) Find an app. Find an application that can help you remain accountable and keep track of your workouts and more importantly your progress!
Good luck today!
This is an amazing pep talk. I am totally motivated and I am taking aride along the jounrney of a better body in 69 days!!
ReplyDeleteThank you, 'anonymous'...have you started your journey?