by Marc A.
OK, now that I have your attention, let me explain.
When I say that I’m not a runner, I mean it in two ways.
The first is the most obvious. I don’t run very well. I don’t run for pleasure. In fact, in a lot of ways I don’t particularly care for running. Often I just feel like it’s the mean to an end. I want to lose weight and running will get me there. It’s simple to do, just put one foot in front of the other. There’s no equipment needed except for a pair of sneakers, and if you ask some runners, even those are optional.
But then I think about all the races I’ve done, all the dedication it takes to do them, the preparation, the mental and physical strength and I find myself thinking that deep down, maybe I am a runner. I could have chosen any other thing to pursue. I could have bought a bike and pedaled about but I CHOSE to run. I guess what makes me feel like I’m not a runner is the fact that I’m not in shape. I’m an obese guy trying to be a part of a sport of skinny people. While they’re cruising at gazelle pace, I’m moving at the speed of a turtle. I don’t run for pleasure because I spend too much time huffing and puffing. I’m not at the point of a runner’s high yet because I’m too busy trying to keep my heart from beating out of my chest.
But we all start somewhere and I know somewhere inside, I like running. I wouldn’t have run as many races as I have or even considered doing a 26.2 mile marathon if I didn’t. I see myself really enjoying it in the future. This thing I “hate” will help me get me in the shape I love and then I’ll love it. I want to be at that point where I run for fun. That is when I’ll consider myself a runner. I feel like I’m heading, slowly but surely, towards being an athlete but a long way from being a runner.
The second way I mean I’m not a runner is because I’m more of a run/walker and honestly, I like that. It works for me. Steady state just seems long and boring plus its hard to run at the exact same speed for 30 minutes. Whenever I read about running at this pace, in my mind I’m like how do you just know that pace without any type of measuring device? Most of the time I just use the breath test. Easy = able to have a conversation, Medium = Able to talk in spurts, Hard = barely able to get a word out.
I like run/walking because it makes the time go by. 2 minutes running, 1 minute walking or 3 minutes running, 1 minute walking, then repeat until you’re done. Some call it interval training too but I prefer to use that term for more intense intervals like during speed drills but for overall workouts or long runs, it’s just a run/walk. It took a long time for me not to feel like walking regularly during my run wasn’t giving up but it’s not. It’s all about pacing and pacing yourself. As long as your run isn’t too fast and your walk isn’t too slow, it all manages to work itself out.
So as you see, I’m not a runner…but then again, maybe I am… 
Marc A. is the editor and founder of the health and wellness blog, Dr. Marctagon™, and he also runs a tech company and blog, Marctagon™ IT where he offers his consulting services and discusses the latest news, productivity tools and technology for homes and small businesses.
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