Written by Dana R. Arevalo
"It is is easier to prevent bad habits than to break them" ~ Ben Franklin.
Congratulations if you made it with me to day two. I woke up this morning and tried to procrastinate. I am so sore but I did it! I feel great too. I am slowly learning that if I don't stick with something it is easy to give up. However, we don't want to give up good habits and routines. But today's assignment is to give up something that is or can keep us from our goals. Come ON there has to be something that you can give up in order to keep up. Keep focused.
I have decided to truly give up something that is nutrition related. Bagels and bags of chips. I have formed a recent bad habit of eating a bagel in the morning. I kept telling myself, today is the last day. Well Thursday I thought it again and Friday yet again I had another bagel. If I fall off healthy eating it is hard for me to remotivate myself. While both diet and exercise are extremely important, I notice instant improvement when I am eating healthy. How about you, what are your thoughts?
Another sign was **Friday afternoon** I went to a vending machine during lunch and attempted to purchase chips. Twice placed 1 dollar into the machine and twice the chips got stuck. No more chips for me. :-).
My entire point being, if we can get rid of the bad habit now it will make our goal easier to achieve so that we can keep up! Good luck everyone!! I will check in tomorrow.
Thank you for reading.