Sunday, April 13, 2014

Give up to Keep up

         Written by Dana R. Arevalo

"It is is easier to prevent bad habits than to break them" ~ Ben Franklin.

Congratulations if you made it with me to day two.  I woke up this morning and tried to procrastinate. I am so sore but I did it! I feel great too.   I am slowly learning that if I don't stick with something it is easy to give up.  However, we don't want to give up good habits and routines.  But today's assignment is to give up something that is or can keep us from our goals.   Come ON there has to be something that you can give up in order to keep up.  Keep focused.

I have decided to truly give up something that is nutrition related. Bagels and bags of chips.   I have formed a recent bad habit of eating a bagel in the morning. I kept telling myself, today is the last day. Well Thursday I thought it again and Friday yet again I had another bagel.  If I fall off healthy eating it is hard for me to remotivate myself.  While both diet and exercise are extremely important, I notice instant improvement when I am eating healthy. How about you, what are your thoughts?

Another sign was **Friday afternoon** I went to a vending machine during lunch and attempted to purchase chips. Twice placed 1 dollar into the machine and twice the chips got stuck.  No more chips for me. :-). 

My entire point being, if we can get rid of the bad habit now it will make our goal easier to achieve so that we can keep up! Good luck everyone!! I will check in tomorrow.

Thank you for reading.

Saturday, April 12, 2014

69 Days till Summer

99% of the Failures come from People who have the Habit of making Excuses....~ George Washington Carver.

By Dana R. Arevalo

I am never lacking motivation, however, I am good at making excuses and procrastination when it comes to exercise.  The top excuse on my personal list is TIME.  I have come to the realization that my excuse is getting old.  With that said...what are you waiting for? I'm done waiting.  For the next 69 days I am going to motivate the HELL out of anyone who decides to visit me.  Let's stick together and achieve the body and health that we deserve. Remember we are in control.

First rid your mind of negativity.  We cannot thrive in a negative environment. My first assignment to you is to please figure out what completely psychs you out.  Music and influential people do it for me. 

Let's recap quickly.  1) Rid negativity 2) Psych yourself. Quickly make a playlist of music that you can blast while working out. 

Next, be accountable.   I am including my sister with me for the next 69 days. I plan to push and motivate her and vice versa. It is very important to continue no matter what happens to the other individual. Hopefully, you can stick together. If for some reason they stop DON'T stop.

Have a goal. Our goal is a better body by summer and we have nothing stopping us for the next 69 days.  Let's do it!

As a short goal, today I started by doing squats.  I want to be able to complete 100 plus squats on a daily basis (with proper form).  I already completed my workout earlier this morning and am ready to make some suggestions.  

Set a timer for 5 minutes and start squating. Many people try to cheat and do not perform full fledged squats. I happen to love squats so I am not a cheater. The best way to practice is to pretend you are about to sit on a chair when going down into the squat and hold this position for 3 to 5 seconds and then release and go back into a standing position.  As we become more familiar with the exercise I will post a video. I was able to do 75 squats within the five minute time period.  I then continued and did 4 more sets according to an application I found.  I am definitely feeling it. But its a step in the right direction. The app is called "Squats" Rittr Labs. So far, after completing some brief research on exercise applications I found that particular application most helpful for squats. But if you find another one let us know. 

1) Rid Negativity.  Whether it be a person or a habit, drop it/ them.  No one wants to hear a complainer every day.

2) Psych yourself.  Music. Motivational quotes and inspirational people. Attract positivity. 

3) Accountability. Work out with someone. Be responsible for motivating them and them you. Hold yourself accountable towards your goals. 

4) Goals. Have an end result and continually focus on it. 69 Days to a healthier body and mind.  

5) Find an app. Find an application that can help you remain accountable and keep track of your workouts and more importantly your progress!

Good luck today!

Monday, February 3, 2014

Strength in Weakness

"Perhaps I am stronger than I think" - Thomas Merton

              By Dana R. Arevalo

Find strength in weakness.  As I sit here I wholeheartedly admit there are times I feel weak. Words and feelings associated with weakness: flawed, broken, failing, impaired, or fragile.  We are taught, to hide our weakness.  Being weak, however, doesn't make one useless.  It is my goal today to get us to change this negative mindset. It is time we embrace weakness and find strength in weakness.  

Learn from mistakes and matter how many times it takes. There is no perfect way to do anything.  Do what works for you, even if it means trying over and over one million different ways. Speaking for myself, if I am faced with a difficult challenge, or any task for that matter, I find a system that works for me, myself, and I. What works for one doesn't work for all and vice versa. Failing makes us stronger and mistakes should make us try harder and differently, until WE feel comfortable and at ease. 

Find peace in difference. Being different makes us unique. Learn to be comfortable with who you are; embrace your difference.  Being different is what makes us beautiful people (inside and out). The world could be very cruel and judgemental, it doesn't mean you have to be. Turn your cheek to those who judge. There is no need to change in fear of being different.  Never change for anyone. Be your different beautiful self.

Purge negativity. Negative thoughts actions, and people cause uneasiness, anxiety, worry, and pessimism.  One foolproof way to get rid of a negative idea, practice, or person from your life would be to write out why or how it/they affect your life. If it is a person, you can write a letter to that person all of the reasons why they cause negativity and why you can no longer be a part of their life. You do not neccessarily have to send the letter, it is a positive exercise to let everything out. 

Finally, it is ok to say "NO". Don't compromise yourself for anyone. Don't feel bad when you cannot or do not have the time to help someone or do something extra at work. Many people take advantage of weakness, once you start something it becomes an expectation or a new duty that you do not need.  Remember, find strength in weakness.

Click here for more positive ideas.